About Us

Our History

 In 1988, we founded Liberty Praise Ministries, Inc. We’ve traveled throughout the five boroughs of New York as well as New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Europe, Africa and Jerusalem taking with us a message of love and hope to a lost and dying world, encouraging the brethren in Christ through songs and proclaiming the Word of God. Our service to God also includes teaching seminars on worship and praise which were influenced by such men as Bishop Gerald Kaufman and Pastor of Music David Martin of Love Gospel Assembly.

We’ve also dedicated a few years under other ministries such as BayRidge Christian Center, Dr. Luciano Padilla and Hosanna Christian Fellowship, Pastors Danny & Giselle Bonilla. These ministers of God have been a great influence in our lives.

In January 1996, we opened a church called “Word of Christ Tabernacle” which we pastored for 3 years, after which the Lord led us to continue to strengthen the Body of Christ by way of Worship and Praise. Presently, I am the Pastor of Worship and Praise at Christian Pentecostal Church in the Staten Island, under the pastorship of Rev. John Carlo, where I direct and lead worship,and where Rufina, is also a worship leader.

Our Vision

Our vision first and utmost is Jesus Christ, but there are four principles that we strongly live by that is, worship, the fellowship of the saints, discipleship and ministry. When these four principles are properly applied we will see people come to Jesus, because we are holding out the Word of Life and shining as stars in this crooked and depraved world.

The burden in our hearts is to see people living an uncompromised and unadulterated life for Christ. Our goal is and has always been to build ministers in their gifts and help them to achieve that which God has called them to. However, our scope goes beyond the community setting but also to all the world, we are convinced that there are a people that God has for us to reach and so through God’s word, we are preaching and teaching men, women and children God’s purpose and plan for their lives that they may go out to all the nations.

“It takes one man to receive a vision from God, but it takes a people to help fulfill the vision of the man.”
(See Josh. 1:12-15).

While we continue to wait on the Lord, we are available for: