AUTHOR, Moses (commonly accepted)
A record of the origin of, -Our Universe, -the Human Race, -Sin -Redemption, -Family life, -Corruption of society, -The Nations, -the Different languages, -the Hebrew Race, &c. The early chapters of the book have been continually under the fire of modern criticism. But the facts they present, when rightly interpreted and understood, have never been disproved. It is not the purpose of the author of Genesis to give an elaborate account of the creation; only a single chapter is devoted to the subject; just a bare outline containing a few fundamental facts, while thirty-eight chapters are given to an account of the history of the chosen family.
Man’s sin, and the initial steps taken for his redemption by a divine covenant, made with a chosen race whose early history is here portrayed.
KEY WORD, Beginning.
I. The History of Creation.
(a) Of our Universe # Ge 1:1-25
(b) Of Man # Ge 1:26-31 2:18-24
II. The Story of Primeval Man.
(a) The Temptation and Fall; the personality and character of the Tempter, -the penalty of sin, and the promise of a coming Redeemer. Ch. 3 # Ge 3:1
(b) The story of Cain and Abel Ch. 4 # Ge 4:1
(c) The genealogy and death of the patriarchs Ch. 5 # Ge 5:1
(d) The Events connected with the Flood Chs. 6,7,8 # Ge 6:1 – 8:1
(e) The rainbow covenant and Noah’s sin Ch. 9 # Ge 9:1
(f) The Descendants of Noah Ch. 10 # Ge 10:1
(g) The confusion of tongues at Babel Ch. 11 # Ge 11:1
III. The History of the Chosen Family
(1) The Career of Abraham
(a) His divine call Ch. 12 # Ge 12:1
(b) The story of Abraham and Lot Chs. 13,14 # Ge 13:1 – 14:1
(c) The divine revelations and promises to Abraham, particularly, the promise of a son, the possession of the Holy Land, and of a great prosperity Chs. 15-17 # Ge 15:1 – 17:1
(d) His intercession for the Cities of the Plain and their destruction Chs. 18,19 # Ge 18:1 – 19:1
(e) His life at Gerar, and the fulfillment of the promise of a son in the birth of Isaac Chs. 20,21 # Gen 20:1 – 21:1
(f) The test of his obedience by the divine command to offer up Isaac Ch. 22 # Ge 22:1
(g) His death # Ge 25:8
(2) The Career of Isaac
(a) His birth # Ge 21:3
(b) His marriage Ch. 24 # Ge 24:1
(c) The birth of his sons Jacob and Esau # Ge 25:20-26
(d) His later years Chs. 26,27 # Ge 26:1 -27:1
For other events connected with his life,
(3) The Career of Jacob
(a) His craftiness in securing the birthright # Ge 27:1-29
(b) His vision of the heavenly ladder # Ge 28:10-22
(c) Incidents connected with his marriage and life in Padan-aram Chs. 29-31 # Ge 29:1 – 31:1
For further history of his life
(4) The Career of Esau as related in Genesis
(5) The Career of Joseph, the Later Years of Jacob, and the Descent of the Chosen Family into Egypt Chs. 37-50 # Ge 37:1 – 50:1
For further history of his life
Adam and Eve, -Cain and Abel, -Abraham and Lot, -Isaac and Ishmael, -Esau and Jacob, -Joseph and his brethren.
(1) Enoch, the man who “walked with God,”
(2) Noah, the Ark Builder
(3) Abraham, the Father of the Faithful
(4) Jacob, the man whose life was transformed by prayer
(5) Joseph, the son of Jacob, who rose from slavery to become the premier of Egypt
The Bible opens with Mankind ruined, Paradise Lost Ch. 3 # Ge 3:1
The Plan of Salvation instituted # Ge 3:15
The Bible closes with the Promise Redeemed, Paradise Regained. See Rev. Chs. 21,22 # Re 21:1 – 22:1