
AUTHOR, uncertain, probably Joshua

LEADING TOPIC, The Conquest and Division of the Land of Canaan.

KEY THOUGHT, How to be successful in the Battle of Life. # Jos 1:8,9


(1) The Invasion of the Land, chs. 1-5 # Jos 1:1 – 5:1
(2) The Fall of Jericho, ch. 6 # Jos 6:1
(3) The Battle at Ai, and Israel at Ebal and Gerizim, chs. 7,8 # Jos 7:1 – 8:1
(4) The Conquest of the South, ch. 10 # Jos 10:1
(5) The Conquest of the North, and the list of kings smitten, chs. 11,12  # Jos 11:1 – 12:1
(6) The Division of the Land, appointment of Cities of Refuge, etc. chs. 13-22 # Jos 13:1 – 22:1
(7) The Farewell Address, and the Death of Joshua, chs. 23,24 # Jos 23:1 – 24:1

SUGGESTED LESSON, The certainty of the fulfillment of the Divine Purposes.

This is seen,

(1) In the judgments coming upon the Canaanites because of their awful sins.
(2) In the descendants of Abraham being given possession of the land according to God’s promise, # Ge 12:7

According to the common conception, the Crossing of the Jordan represents Death, –and Canaan, Heaven; but a better analogy is given below;

Canaan, a type of the Higher Christian Life, to be won by warfare # Rom 7:23
Canaanites, a type of our Spiritual Enemies # Eph 6:12
The Warfare of Israel, a type of the Fight of Faith # 1Ti 6:12
Israel’s Rest after the Conquest (Josh 11:23), a type of the Rest of the Soul  # Jos 11:23 Heb 4:9
The Canaanites partly subdued, a type of Besetting Sins, unconquered # Heb 12:1


(a) God’s encouragement of Joshua # Jos 1:1-9
(b) Joshua’s Farewell Address # Jos 23:1-16 24:1-27