
AUTHOR, nothing is known concerning.

THE PROPHECY centres around an ancient feud between Edom and Israel. The Edomites were descendants of Esau, and had a grudge against Israel because Jacob had cheated their ancestor out of his birthright. # Ge 25:21-34 27:41

KEY THOUGHT, verse 10 # Ob 1:10

The Edomites refused Israel a passage through their country # Nu 20:14-21
They rejoiced over the capture of Jerusalem # Ps 137:7


The Doom of Edom for their pride and wrong unto Jacob # Ob 1-16
The Deliverance of the Chosen People, and the inclusion of Edom in the future Kingdom
# Ob 17-21 Nu 24:18


God’s special providential care over the Jews, and the certainty of punishment upon those who persecute them.