I. The Call to Repentance 1:1-6
II. The Eight Visions of Zechariah 1:7–6:8
A. The Horses among the Myrtle Trees 1:7-17
B. The Four Horns and Four Craftsmen 1:18-21
C. The Man with the Measuring Line
D. The Cleansing of Joshua, the High Priest
E. The Golden Lampstand and Olive Trees
F. The Flying Scroll 5:1-4
G. The Woman in the Basket 5:5-11
H. The Four Chariots 6:1-8
III. The Crowning of Joshua 6:9-15
IV. The Question of Fasting 7:1-3
V. The Four Messages of Zechariah 7:4–8:23
A. Rebuke of Hypcrisy 7:4-7
B. Repent of Disobedience 7:8-14
C. Restoration of Israel 8:1-17
D. Rejoice in Israel’s Future 8:18-23
VI. The Two Burdens of Zechariah 9:1–14:21
A. The First Burden: The Rejection of the Messiah 9:1–11:17
1. Judgment on Surrounding Nations 9:1-8
2. Coming of the Messiah 9:9–10:12
3. Rejection of the Messiah 11
B. The Second Burden: The Reign of the Messiah 12:1–14:21
1. Deliverance of Israel 12:1–13:9
2. Reign of the Messiah 14