The Brazen Altar

(The Altar of Burnt Offerings)

The Burnt Offering Altar was the first item to be seen after entering through the Door into the Tabernacle’s Outer Court. It was an impressive construction: made from acacia wood overlaid with bronze, it stood 1.4 metres high and 2.3 metres wide and broad (square).

Wood is a biblical figure of man (Psalm 1:1,3 & Jeremiah 5:14). Acacia wood is a strong, high quality wood, signifying the best humanity, that of Jesus. Bronze in the Bible speaks of God’s judgement, particularly His judgement over our rebellious thinking and speaking against Him (as in Numbers chapter 16:29-40 and Jude v11). Since the wood is overlaid with the bronze, the Burnt Offering Altar reminds us of man under God’s judgement for our rebellion against Him. Since the wood is acacia wood, this speaks of Jesus bearing the judgement of God for us on the cross.

• To be offered only to the Lord. Judges 13:16
• Specially acceptable. Genesis 8:21; Leviticus 1:9, 13, 17
• The most ancient of all sacrifices. Genesis 4:4; Genesis 8:20; Genesis 22:2, 13; Job 1:5
• Offered by the Jews before the law. Exodus 10:25; Exodus 24:5

• The flock or herd. Leviticus 1:2
• The fowls. Leviticus 1:14
• Was an atonement for sin. Leviticus 9:7
• Guilt transferred to, by imposition of hands. Leviticus 1:4; Numbers 8:12

• Killed, if a beast, by the person who brought it. Leviticus 1:5, 11
• Killed, if a bird, by the priest. Leviticus 1:15
• For the people at large, killed and prepared by the Levites. Ezekiel 44:11
• A male without blemish. Leviticus 1:3; Leviticus 22:19
• Voluntary. Leviticus 1:3; Leviticus 22:18-19
• Presented at the door of the tabernacle. Leviticus 1:3; Deut. 12:6, 11, 14
• Offered by priests only. Leviticus 1:9; Ezekiel 44:15
• Offered in righteousness. Psalm 51:19
• Entirely burned. Leviticus 1:8-9, 12-13; Leviticus 6:9
• Blood of, sprinkled round about upon the altar. Leviticus 1:5, 11
• If a bird, the blood was wrung out at the side of the altar. Leviticus 1:15
• Ashes of, collected at foot of the altar, and conveyed without the camp. Leviticus 6:11
• Skin of, given to the priests for clothing. Leviticus 7:8; Genesis 3:21


• Every morning and evening. Exodus 29:38-42
• Every sabbath day. Numbers 28:9-10
• The first day of every month. Numbers 28:11
• The seven days of unleavened bread. Numbers 28:19, 24
• The day of atonement. Leviticus 16:3, 5; Numbers 29:8
• At consecration of Levites. Numbers 8:12
• At consecration priests. Leviticus 9:2, 12-14
• At consecration of kings. 1 Chron. 29:21-23
• At purification of women. Leviticus 12:6
• For Nazarites after defilement, or at the end of their vow. Numbers 6:11, 14
• For the healed leper. Leviticus 14:13, 19-20
• At dedication of sacred places. Numbers 7:15; 1 Kings 8:64
• After great mercies. 1 Samuel 6:14; 2 Samuel 24:22, 25
• Before going to war. 1 Samuel 7:9
• With sounds of trumpets at feasts. Numbers 10:10
• The fat of all peace offerings laid on, and consumed with the daily. Leviticus 3:5; Leviticus 6:12
• Of the wicked, not accepted by God. Isaiah 1:10-11; Jeremiah 6:19-20; Amos 5:22
• Obedience better than. 1 Samuel 15:22; Jeremiah 7:21-23
• Knowledge of God better than. Hosea 6:6
• Love of God better than. Mark 12:33
• Abraham tried by the command to offer Isaac as. Genesis 22:1-24
• Incapable of removing sin, and reconciling to God. Psalm 40:6; Psalm 50:8; Hebrews 10:6
• The most costly, no adequate tribute to God. Isaiah 40:16; Psalm 50:9-13
• Guilt of unauthorised persons offering. 1 Samuel 13:12-13
• Guilt of offering, except in the place appointed. Leviticus 17:8-9
• Of human victims execrated. Deut. 12:31; 2 Kings 3:27; Jeremiah 7:31; Jeremiah 19:5


• The offering of Christ. Ephes. 5:2; Hebrews 10:8-10
• Devotedness to God. Romans 12:1